Welcome to the experimental active character template of the Marvel Universe Handbook Appendix (http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix).

Before proceeding, you main want to run the text of your profile through a spell checker. If you don't have one, I recommend Spell Online. Checking the profile guidelines can't hurt either.

Fields in bold and/or red letters are needed, and the profile will not be processed without them!

Don't forget to press the "Send Template" button at the bottom of this page when you are finished.

What email address should receive this version of the profile?

Description (to be used by web search engines):

Suggested keywords:

Your alias (for credit in the profile):

The shortcut to your name on appmasts.htm (optional - e.g. "skullogeist" or "luis_dantas" - don't use quotes and don't include the "#" sign)

Profile Name (at least 8 lowercase letters and/or numbers):

Character Name:
Real Name:
Group Membership: (groups which the character was actually a member of)
Afilliations: (including allied groups)


Known Relatives:


Base of Operations:

First Appearance: (book - with volume number, if applicable)

First Appearance Date - Month    Year




Click here and here for exemples on how to fill the Clarifications below:

For help with the Clarifications, please check the Master List that currently covers up until the letter "S". For character, groups and items with names further down the alphabet, please check the zipped file. Thanks!


- has arguable or dubious connections to

CodenameReal NameDescriptionFirst AppearanceReference URL (if any)URL Bookmark (if any)

- is connected somehow to

CodenameReal NameDescriptionFirst AppearanceReference URL (if any)URL Bookmark (if any)

- has no known connections to

CodenameReal NameDescriptionFirst AppearanceReference URL (if any)URL Bookmark (if any)

Further clarification (if applicable):


Book name    issue #   page #   panel #  
Book name    issue #   page #   panel #  
Book name    issue #   page #   panel #  
Book name    issue #   page #   panel #  

Last Modified: